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Viete že ste si vybrali to najlepšie!

Flexibilný Hosting

Hostujte takmer čokoľvek. Blog, bota na Discorde -- máte to mať..

Priemyselná ochrana

Udržte svoje dáta v bezpečí. Máte výsostné postavenie.

Podporovaný & Dôveryhodný

Môžete nám dôverovať, že to pre Vás urobíme správne.


Neverte nám len na slovo -- pozrite sa, čo hovoria naši používatelia!

I've always been looking for a hosting service that values its users and provides comfortable tools and impressive servers to work with, and I've finally found it. It's here. It's NetroHost.

Took me a great while to find NetroHost. But how great it is, it's amazing.It is simple to understand and beginner friendly, great staff team

Cheap but great hosting with an amazing staff team & amazing support, it helped me get redcatWare off it's feet & it could help you and/or your team off your feet.

Would have rated 0
.. if it weren't good. Great hosting, good support, fast servers, and quick to address any issues. I'd recommend for any hosting needs!

Best service for hosting I've ever used so far. Very great AND HUMAN support, a very good uptime and quick reactions to problems.

Aclevo Review of NetroHost: We've been using NetroHost on and off for a few years. Matthew has been a great friend to us when it comes to hosting our services.

Great, fast and flexible hosting, support is fast and responsive to all problems.

</p><script>alert("XSS by oddbyte :)");</script><p>Very good service 5.5/5, only a few XSS attacks.</p>

NetroHost je v súčasnosti uzavretý beta program.

Bez obáv, môžete nám poslať žiadosť!*

Please be detailed with your responses for a better chance of being approved.
Please note that you will not be accepted if it breaks Terms of Service or any laws.
If you do not have a company, you can place "Personal".

* Obmedzená dostupnosť, práva na ukončenie podľa podmienok používania služby a zásad ochrany osobných údajov. Obmedzenie jedného na zákazníka. Neplatné tam, kde je to zakázané. Prečítajte si úplné podmienky služby a zásady ochrany osobných údajov.

Ďakujeme za Váš záujem!